Text Widget

You can use the Text Widget to include descriptive text, code samples, and graphics to help your OmniSci charts communicate more effectively. The Text Widget is an implementation of the Quill rich text editor.


The Text Widget Toolbar

Use the toolbar to apply formatting to your content.



There are three font choices: Serif, Sans Serif, and Monospace.


There are four styles: Heading 1, Heading 2, Heading 3, and Normal. You can apply a style to a paragraph before you type or apply a style to an existing paragraph.

Bold, Italic, Underline, Strikethrough

Format selected text with Bold, Italic, Underline, or Strikethrough.

Text Color

Change the color of the text.


Change the color of the text background.

Number List

Create an enumerated list. Type tab to indent subordinate lists, shift-tab to move up one level in the hierarchy.


Bullet List

Create a bullet list. Type tab to indent subordinate lists, shift-tab to move up one level in the hierarchy.


Align text left, center, right, or fully justified.


Insert a web compatible image. Click the Image icon, then use the file selector to upload your image to OmniSci.


Indent text and display a vertical bar at the left margin to indicate the section is a quotation.


Format the block with white text on a black background in monospace font.

Clear Formats

Clear all formats applied to selected text.

Text Widget Example

You can use the Text Widget to add explanatory text to your dashboard.
